Art Week 8
Monday 21 March:
On Monday I took out my camera and put it in AV mode. This allows me to set my own aperture but the camera will adjust the shutter speed. The first image I took at an aperture of f5.6 and compared it to f22.
f5.6 |
f22 |
f5.6 |
I learned that the different aperture or f stop can determine how much light is let into an image and how much of the image is in focus. using a smaller f stop (f 5.6) will create a shallow depth of field compared to using a high f stop (f22). I also found the lower the f-stop the more light is let into the image compared to when the f stop was at f22.
On Tuesday I took out my camera and took a photo with a low vs high shutter speed and compared the difference.
High shutter (1/2000) |
Low shutter (1/5) |
High shutter (1/2000) |
Low shutter (1/5) |
High shutter (1/2000) |
Low shutter (1/5) |
Photographing with a higher shutter speed (1/2000) allowed me to capture a more sharp and clear image whereas when I photographed with a low shutter speed (1/5) I found that the image tend to blur and not pick up as much detail.
On Wednesday I set my camera to M (manual) which allows me to be in control of all the settings, using the light meter I tried to get a perfectly exposed image. I also used my histogram which helped me to see whether there was too much light or darkness coming into my image. These were my results.
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