
Wednesday, 3 April 2019

English (Zootopia)


  Over the past two weeks, we have been learning about Zootopia and have been watching the movie.

This is my essay I wrote about how Nick changed throughout the movie.

In the movie Zootopia, we see Nick change a lot throughout all the scenes. At the start of the movie he lies, steals, and thinks that people should stick to their stereotypes. He changes a lot, thinking stereotypes don't have to be matched and even ends up becoming a proud cop.

 At the start of the movie, Nick makes Judy feel like a failure and that she will never be a real cop. When Judy tries to confront Nick about buying the jumbo pop just to sell it he just brings her down and makes her feel like she's not worth anything. Nick says “you think you can be anything you want to be but you can’t”. “You’re just a dumb bunny, I'm a sly fox”. I think Nick was really arrogant and disrespectful. It makes him look stuck up.

In the middle, Nick opens up to Judy about his feelings and tells her why he thinks everyone has to follow their stereotypes. While Judy and Nick are the on Gondola, Nick tells her about his childhood and when he joined the boy scouts. He talks to her about how the others at boy scout beat him up and put a muzzle on him. “Why would we ever trust a fox,” said the other boy scouts. I think that Nick thinks everyone doesn't trust him because he is a fox and makes me think that Nick is traumatized by this experience.  

At the end of the movie, Nick joins the ZPD and even gets a badge. While Judy is doing a speech and says “life is messy”, Nick is being awarded a badge to show that he's a real cop. “Officer Nicholas P. Wilde, look inside yourself and recognize that changes start with you”. “It starts with me, it starts with all of you,” Nick said. I think that Nick is proud of himself from being a lying, rude fox too and happy, caring police officer. He knows that he can be someone good and that he doesn't have to follow his stereotype.

A character that has changed throughout the movie is Nick. At the start, he is a lying, stealing, jerk that only cares about himself and follows stereotypes. By the end of the movie, he is a proud, caring police officer that believes that anyone can be anything.

Image result for nick wilde

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant work, Alayna. Your essay is well-structured and your ideas are developed.
    A next step could be to tidy up your use of quotes. When you provide a quote, make sure there is an explanation of why it is there.
    The other cub scouts ask "Why would we ever trust a fox?"


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