
Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Egyptian Pyramids

Egyptian Pyramids

Today in social studies we have been learning about the Egyptian pyramids and got to build our own pyramids out of lego!

  • Pyramids were burial places and pharaohs monuments. They put things in them they might need in the afterlife
  • There are 138 pyramids and the largest if Khufu
  • The largest pyramid is around 480 feet tall
  • They were made with steps that gradually faded they further up the pyramid
  • All pyramids were built to the north side of the river Nile because the south side was dead land
  • They put traps to keep the robbers out and they were made from limestone
  • They were the tallest man-made sculpture for around 300,800 years

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alayna. I loved your post, I am a massive fan of the pyramids and have been inside one of them a few years ago. They are an incredible structure. I found it really interesting that they kept things with them for the afterlife. Do you think you would like to visit them one day?


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