
Tuesday 18 September 2018

Food Allergies + Food Label

Food Allergies

Celiacs disease:
A person with celiacs disease waits an average 6 to 11 years before being correctly diagnosed.
Celiac was discovered in the first century (A.D)
Celiacs disease can lead to other diseases, such as infertility and some cancers.

Lactose intolerance:
Babies can have lactose intolerance as well as others.
Lactose intolerance is able to be cured.
75 percent of the world's population is most likely going to have lactose intolerance.

Allergy to found groups such as seafood, eggs and nuts:
The worst symptom is breathing difficulties or collapsing.
seafood and iodine allergies are unrelated.
Food allergies don't normally run in families.

If people don't make labels relevant for people who suffer from these allergies/diseases they could die, have serious problems, get very sick, or get even more diseases.

My food label I made with Explore Food UK
                       Anzac Biscuits

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