
Monday, 20 November 2017

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Readers Theatre:

What am I learning: To be a more confident reader and have fun while using expression.

How am I going towards achieving this learning?
Because while reading the script I had expression and was confident while reading.

What am I going to do to be a stronger performer in readers theatre?
I am going to not be nervous and practise my scripts.

I was reading the part as storyteller 1 and 2 and I had a lot of fun while reading it.


  1. Hey Alayna! I really like how you posted photos of your script! Next time, maybe think about adding what you enjoyed the most? Apart from that, Good Job I really like it!

  2. Hey Chloe thanks for commenting and yes I will add what I liked most next time thank you :)


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