
Monday, 13 November 2017

Festival Of The Arts Lino Cuting 2017

Art/ist meaning
A way of being creative and demonstrating an art.

Experimenting creative thoughts
Developing skills
Adding your imagination to your creations
Always doing your best even if you dont like your art.

Participate meaning
Being involved, Taking part.

Value meaning
The importance of something

How can you participate in the world as an artist?
Trying new art even if they're not your best at first try.
Even if you dont do art letting your imagination run wild on a page.
Inspiring people/artist with your work

What value do people place on being an artist in New Zealand?
Because in New Zealand we publicly fund art galleries and people go there to appreciate the art.
We put money towards art so that people have a chance to express their imagination and feelings.

Linocut Artist

Bill fick
George Woods
Anthony Davies

This is a practise of the lino we will be cutting on

Cultural, creativity, Maori, identity, fear, patterns

Pigeon, cultural, creativity, patterns, colors, birds

This is my practise drawings for my lino

Week 2

This week we came up with new pattern ideas and printed them onto paper and I really liked how my one came out on monday.

My Lino Print

My Lino Print


  1. Whoop whoop! Well done! I'm so please to see you put this up and also, yes I now see how blurry your photos were... Are they always like that? Is it the web cam or how you are using it? We should look at that next time. It was a pleasure to meet you today, thank you for coming :-)

  2. Kia Ora Alayna, My Goodness this looks exciting! I love how much description you have put into your reflection. I feel like even though I haven't been in the class, I know what you're doing. I agree with Ms Clemence, I would be great to see if you could take some clearer photos.


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