Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Art Class/My Logo About Me
This week in art we have been working on Photoshop editor where we have make our own logos.
But first we have to design our logo on paper and we have been working on it for this term.
This is my logo of my name and a photo to represent me. My picture is a girl doing gymnastics because im a gymnast.
I had fun making our logos and I hope we get to do it again.
What I learnt about google draw? How to draw on a computer and how to make better logos
What I learnt about photoshop? How to edit a log or photo and how to make it black and white
What I learnt about the internet? Youtube helped me with making this logo and making it black and white.
Monday, 5 December 2016
13.10.2016 Sustainability
Q.1 Why do sea animals/fish eat micro-beads?
- when fish and other creatures are swimming in the water and see the micro-beads they think its some type of food so they eat it and even if they didn't eat the micro-beads it would end up in there system anyway http://www.sciencealert.com/microbeads-are-causing-the-fish-we-eat-to-become-toxic-study-finds
Q.2 Why are micro-beads in face wash a problem?
- They are to tiny for the water system to catch so they end up in rivers and lakes and stay there until fish and other sea animals eat them
- Some people like to eat fish and most of the fish would probably have micro-beads inside them so when you eat the fish your eating micro-beads which can make us sick not just sea animals
- They're non-biodegradable so they don't break down, there less than a mm wide so they miss the water filter http://www.biggreenpurse.com/plastic-microbeads-face-wash/
Q.3 What effect do micro-beads have on the ecosystem
- The micro-beads are designed to go down the drain but when they reach the water the fish eat them which can cause serious issues for the ecosystem.
- http://storyofstuff.org/plastic-microbeads-ban-the-bead/
Q.4 Why will micro-beads kill fish
- Micro-beads will kill the fish because people put micro-beads in face washes and soaps, so when you use the face washes and soaps they go down the drain and when you use them they go into the ocean where all the fish and sea animals eat them and they die because there harmful to fish.
- http://www.biggreenpurse.com/plastic-microbeads-face-wash/
Q.5 Why have we been using micro-beads
- People use micro-beads because they think it helps get rid of dirt on their face, so they put the micro-beads in face washes
- It cleans your face and makes your skin soft but its making a huge effect on the ecosystem.
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/20/microbeads-exfoliation_n_4815133.html
I think this meets SUS2016LO1 and SUS2016LO2 because I have explained carefully how this is going to effect our ecosystem and what its doing to our ecosystem. I have also my opinion on what we should do to make a stop.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Zendoodle Art
Learning Outcome:
I am learning to create Zendoodle Art.
This is my idea and I like the floral designs
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
How to survive a Zombie Apocalypse
Planning our ideas to survive 10 years in a Zombie Apocalypse
You're living in a very secure wall around you, that no Zombies will be able to get in.
things to make a fire
have weapons on you
know how to fight
warm clothes and bedding/think clothes
tin can foods or packaged foods/bottles of water
medical kit/first aid kit
8 most important things
first aid/medical kit
Things you need to consider
how are we going to keep everyone warm and dry
Make sure the house doesn't make anyone sick/unhealthy

These could be what we build for our Zombie Apocalypse
the triangle ones could be the rooms for bed time and the dome we could make 2 one for the kitchen and bathroom and the other for when it raining our really cold.
Team we need help from?
We will need to communicate with the tools group and the clothing group to make sure no one gets sick and its built with tools.
What materials do you need to build your shelter?
Insulation, tent covering?, wool
Tools we need to build our shelter?
brick, wood, stone, metal
How will we build our shelter? Using strong woods and insulation
Whether conditions? 4 seasons, When its cold and wet with will cover the windows with tent covering and when its sunny we will take the covering off
how are we going to keep warm/cool within the shelter? Insulation, blankets, warm clothes/clothes to keep cool.

Building Our Models
This is 1 of the houses we made and this is made from using cardboard, paper mache, glue and paint.
This took about 2 days to build and dry and then took us about 4 days to paper mache and paint.
We yous a knife to mix everything together.
Why Shelter Is Important!
Shelter is very important to have because you need to be able to sleep somewhere when its cold and wet and when its snowing you don't want to be in the snow all the time because you could get hypothermia.Facts About Shelters/Homeless
Around 100 million people around the world are homeless
More than 90% of homeless women are victims of severe physical and sexual abuse and escaping that abuse and is a leading cause of their homelessness
Around 100 million people around the world are homeless
More than 90% of homeless women are victims of severe physical and sexual abuse and escaping that abuse and is a leading cause of their homelessness
Find more info about Shelter and homelessness facts on this website above this message.
Building Another House
one of our team mates made this with his dad
This is our biggest shelter/house that has been made, its made from wood and sticker paper and then we added some cardboard beds, a toilet and a kitchen inside.
This took about 1 week and a half to build.
How I Feel About This Project
We had fun making our projects and designing them and we think our team did a good job at this zombie apocalypse experiment.
How to build the small cardboard house
Step1. get the glue, water and plastic plate with something to mix with.
Step2. put all the ingredients onto the plate and mis using a plastic knife.
Final Product
Our Team: Ansh, Luke, Stevie-Lee and Alayna (Me)
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
I want to find out how to grow a sustainable garden.
Things I need to consider:
- Can the plants grow in our climate?
- What plants can grow when you plant them in September?
- How long do they take to mature? when can they be harvested?
- How many mature plants will fit into my garden size?
- How can I water them during the holidays?
- How do I keep pests away?
Look at some websites that you can find some plants that don't take long to grow
I would like to grow
- Beetroot, be ready in 7 - 10cm days, needs 7 - 10cm
- Tomatoes, be ready in 60-120 days, needs 40-60cm
- Silverbeet, be ready in about 50-85 days, needs 30-40 cm
- Carrots, be ready in about 65-90 days, needs 5-30 cm
This system will have holes in them and will let the water come out slowly.

This will cover your plants to make sure pests don't get in, you can even use bigger bottles like milk bottles or more.
Plant area
Garden tools
Measuring tape
- Measure out the space your using
- Make sure there are no weeds and make sure theirs a good amount of dirt
- Mix your dirt with the fertilizer and spread out
- Plant your seeds
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Making Biltong (Beef Jerky)
Aim: I want to find out how to make Biltong (Beef Jerky)
I want to find out how to prevent bacteria from growing on food
Method: The equipment I need to make biltong
Raw steak
A bowl of salt
A sheet of news paper
- Set out your equipment
- Cut the raw meat into strips about 1-2cm wide
- Put some salt about 3 pinches all over the steak and push it in to the steak
- Repeat step 3 add salt and keep pushing it into the steak (you don't want it to be to covered in salt but you need quite a bit of salt you still want to be able to see some of the steak colour)
- Tie the string at the top of the steak with about 1-2cm to the top and tie it about 2 to 3 times (the string was about 50cm long)
- Tie the string up to a place that has some air flowing around the meat and make sure the meat is hunging down do it like a strip
- Make sure there is something under the meat because the meat will drip
- Leave the meat for about a week or maybe a few days more but make sure u leave it for at least 1 week depending on how thick your meat is but 1 week is good.
I see dark brown, hard, the fat has gone white and is hard but squishy, it still has a little bit of salt on it. The centre is dark brown with a slight red
I smell lamb chops that gets all over your hands, but it doesn't smell like raw meat so that's good.
It taste like a mouth full of salt, I don't really like it but its pretty good for first time
Discussion Why did we salt the meat? So that it could collect up the raw blonde so it could dry the meat so it wont rote and kill the bacteria
how do you kill bacteria? salt dehydrates meat in which bacteria needs water to live so the bacteria will no live and wont be able to live in the meat.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Making Ginger Beer.
Aim: I want to find out how to make Ginger Beer.
Equipment: Plastic bottle, Bowls, Funnel, Fine sieve, lemon swisher, knife, tablespoon, cheese grater, cheese cloth, heatproof container
Ingredients: Ginger peeled, Sugar, Fresh lemon juice, Yeast, Water.
Instructions: Put first measure of sugar in warm water to dissolve, add yeast and stir. Place in warm place to start working.
Finely grate or slice rind from 2 lemons and place in a heatproof container with the 1 cup of sugar and the dried ginger. Pour over 1 cup of boiling water and leave to steep for 10 minutes. Strain into 1.5 L plastic bottle in which the ginger beer will be made. Top up bottle with cool water to near top so that final temp is approx. body temp. Add yeast to bottle as soon as it shows signs of working, ie. it foams. Cap bottle tightly. Mix thoroughly and put in a warm place. Leave until bottle becomes undentable. Depending on the yeast this can take anything from 12 hours to 3 days, but best to check regularly, as I guess there is a risk of explosion with this! Refrigerate until thoroughly chilled and OPEN WITH GREAT CARE!
What is the stuff at the bottom:
when I looked at the bottom I saw the yeast that had eaten up all the sugar to make the alcohol and its was like sludge.
What does it smell like:
When i smelt the Ginger Beer it had a very strong ginger smell with also a bit of a sugary smell
What does it taste like: When i tasted the Ginger Beer it tasted very sour and gingery, the yeast has eaten all the sugar so it didn't have much of a sweet taste.
What happens if you shake it:
When i shook the bottle fizzy bubbly fluffy stuff was at the top of where the Ginger Beer Finished.
What is yeast? Yeast is a living fungus that likes to eat things like sugar and the stuff in bread.
What did the yeast do to the Ginger Beer? The yeast ate the sugar which then made alcohol and carbon dioxide What are some good uses of yeast? Bread, Mar mite, other alcohols and others
What are some bad uses of yeast? Athletes foot, fungus and other things
What are some interesting questions that I would like to find out about this experiment?
Why does the Ginger beer not rote: because of the lemons which helps it not to rote.
Why does the Ginger beer get stronger with the taste when u leave it longer:Yeast in the beer, if still active, could be cleaning up some byproducts they didn't get to during fermentation. High Alcohols can improve in flavor after some time in cool, dark storage
Yeast is a living fungus that likes to eat things like sugar and the stuff in bread.
The yeast ate the sugar which then made alcohol and carbon dioxide.
Yeast makes good things for bread Mar mite, other alcohols and others.
Bad uses of yeast is athletes foot, fungus and other things.I would like to find out why Ginger beer does not rote. It doesn't rote because of the lemons which also helps it taste good. I would also like to find out why ginger beer taste stronger while you leave it for a long time. Yeast in the beer, if still active, could be cleaning up some byproducts they didn't get to during the fermentation. High Alcohols can improve in flavor after some time in cool, dark storage.
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
Thursday, 19 May 2016
How the Earth was made
YouTube clip on how the Earth was made
- 4.5 billion years ago the sun was surrounded by a cloud of dust
- the dust cloud cooled and formed minerals
- the minerals began to clump together, held together by static electricity
- minerals stick together to make rocks and then the rocks stick together to make boulders then the boulders stick together and eventually it will form a plane

- 30 millions year later after rocks/minerals forming together, the Earth was made
- then the earth melted into a big ball of lava
- all the metals sank, and all the rocks floated
- the outside cooled and formed the crust of Earth
- then another planet crashed into Earth

- all the rocks blown into space were collected together to make the Moon
- every time a meteorite hit the forming earth, it bought a little drop of water to earth

- after years and years, billions of meteorites formed the oceans and rivers

- a meteorite crashes into earth and it contains a chemical called an Amino Acid

- the Amino Acid formed long chains and is now called protein

- protein can replicate them self and when it replicates them self we call it DNA
- DNA made bacteria
- bacteria breathed out there own gas called oxygen
Tuesday, 12 April 2016
Hands On Fire 2016
Aim: I want to safely set my hands on fire
Equipment: Safety glasses, box, water, hose, detergent, lighter
Step 1:
- Be safe
- safety glasses on
- roll up long sleeves
- Tie up your hair (No hair dangling down)
Step 3: Get a scoop of bubbles
Step 4: Move away from the box
Step 5: Hold the bubbles at eye level as your far away from your face/body as you can
Step 6: To put out the fire SLOWLY open your hands
I was to scared to do it but it looked pretty cool
Thursday, 7 April 2016
Walking In Straight Lines
Aim: I want to find out if I can walk in a straight line without my senses.
Hypothesis: I predict that without my senses I cant walk in a straight line.
- Blindfold to stop us from seeing
- Cotton wool to stop us from hearing and smelling
- Bucket for our head to stop the wind
Method: I am going to attempt to walk in 200m straight line to a stake in the ground.
Put some cotton wool up your nose to stop yourself from smelling that lovely baking smell that will help you with your direction.
Results: Not sure who made it but it was really hard because you think your going straight but your not and you get a bit scared because you don't want to walk into a tree. Its was really fun and I enjoined it.
Thursday, 17 March 2016
Burning Magnesium
I want to find out what happens to Magnesium when you burn it.
I predict that when you burn Magnesium it will turn into ashes.
Heat Mat, Bunsen Burner, Scissor Tongs, Magnesium, Lighter and Safety Goggles.
When I burned solid, shiny grey Magnesium in the blue Bunsen burner flame it formed a bright, light white and lasted for 5-6 seconds. Then it burned out. Some white powder was left over.
When magnesium is in its metal form it will burn very easily in air. However, in order to start the reaction (the burning) the magnesium metal needs a source of energy. The flame provides a source of heat so that the magnesium metal atoms can overcome their activation energy. Activation energy is the minimum energy required in order for a chemical reaction to proceed. When the magnesium metal burns it reacts with oxygen found in the air to form Magnesium Oxide. A compound is a material in which atoms of different elements are bonded to one another. Oxygen and magnesium combine in a chemical reaction to form this compound. After it burns, it forms a white powder of the magnesium oxide. Magnesium gives up two electrons to oxygen atoms to form this powdery product. This is an exothermic reaction. An exothermic reaction is a term that describes a chemical reaction in which there is a net release of energy (heat).
I want to find out what happens to Magnesium when you burn it.
I predict that when you burn Magnesium it will turn into ashes.
Heat Mat, Bunsen Burner, Scissor Tongs, Magnesium, Lighter and Safety Goggles.
- Get equipment
- Put on safety goggles
- Put down your heat mat
- Connect you Bunsen Burn to the gas tap
- Close the air hole on the Bunsen Burner
- Ignite the light
- Turn on the gas
- Open the air hole on your Bunsen Burner
- Hold the Magnesium in the Scissor Tongs
- Put the Magnesium into the blue flame
- Observe what happens
When I burned solid, shiny grey Magnesium in the blue Bunsen burner flame it formed a bright, light white and lasted for 5-6 seconds. Then it burned out. Some white powder was left over.
When magnesium is in its metal form it will burn very easily in air. However, in order to start the reaction (the burning) the magnesium metal needs a source of energy. The flame provides a source of heat so that the magnesium metal atoms can overcome their activation energy. Activation energy is the minimum energy required in order for a chemical reaction to proceed. When the magnesium metal burns it reacts with oxygen found in the air to form Magnesium Oxide. A compound is a material in which atoms of different elements are bonded to one another. Oxygen and magnesium combine in a chemical reaction to form this compound. After it burns, it forms a white powder of the magnesium oxide. Magnesium gives up two electrons to oxygen atoms to form this powdery product. This is an exothermic reaction. An exothermic reaction is a term that describes a chemical reaction in which there is a net release of energy (heat).
My hypothesis was that it was going to go into black ashes. I was incorrect. It turned into a glowed bright light white.
Other experiments related to this I could do are:
- Do all metals glow brightly?
- How hot did the magnesium get before it reacted?
- Did it make any other chemicals?
- Why did it have a white light and not blue or green?
- What would happen if we used a chunk of Magnesium?
- What would happen if we used powered Magnesium?
Thursday, 10 March 2016
How to write a science report
This is what I want to find out
This is an educated guess.
This is a list of stuff I need
These are step-by-step instructions.
These are factors that can change the results
These are my observations (what I can see, smell, feel, hear, taste)
I need to do my results in a table.
This is where you need to perform any calculations
I need to do a graph
This is where I explain the results and I answer the Question "Why"
This is where I say if my hypothesis was correct.
This is your reflection on the investigation
This is what I want to find out
This is an educated guess.
This is a list of stuff I need
These are step-by-step instructions.
These are factors that can change the results
These are my observations (what I can see, smell, feel, hear, taste)
I need to do my results in a table.
This is where you need to perform any calculations
I need to do a graph
This is where I explain the results and I answer the Question "Why"
This is where I say if my hypothesis was correct.
This is your reflection on the investigation
- If something went wrong, what was it and how did I fix it
- Were there any anomalies (weird results that didn't fix the pattern)
- What were some of the problems and how could you fix them in the future
- Has your investigation raised any challenging questions?
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